Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Muffin Balls and Sunsets

"Did you know that Octopussy was filmed here?" our rickshaw driver asked us, less than a minute after our arrival in Udaipur. Indeed, as we would come to find out, the city is very proud of having been the backdrop for the James Bond film -- even decades back -- and there are countless restaurants that have rooftop showings of the movie at 7PM.

We headed up to a rooftop cafe not for an Octopussy viewing, but rather because of something on their sign that caught our attention: Muffin's [sic] balls. Does the ball belong to a muffin? Do muffins have balls? Filled with these questions and more, we climbed the flights of steps to find out. Though a "muffin ball" is really just a slightly moussed version of a round chocolate donut, the real highlight was sitting on the rooftop watching the day fall into night while perched above the ancient city. Some photos of the sunset (sorry, no muffin ball pictures).

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