Monday, July 6, 2009

Intellectual Property

The best class I'm taking right now in India is a course on Intellectual Property. While the subject interests me, it's the Professor that really stands out. After the first class I nicknamed him "Indian Jerry Seinfeld," because he constantly has the students laughing and tapping their desks in approval. Unfortunately most of his punch lines are either a) in Hindi, b) a Bollywood movie reference, or c) both, so I don't get most of them. That said, I can tell that he is killing up there.

I also appreciate the fact that I've become his go-to person for America questions and references. Whenever he is talking about something American he will go to me for a thought, or clarification. Recently, I got asked to do something I never thought I would in India: describe the restaurant Hooters to 60 Indian students. If there's a sudden influx of IIM-A students to America, you'll know why.

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